Friday, March 1, 2024

REIKI & The Emotional Self

This article was first published here:

Some people are under the false assumption that expression of powerful emotions such as anger or sadness is detrimental to our well-being. It is actually the opposite: when we suppress our powerful emotions, we are creating unhealthy patterns and pockets of stagnant and misaligned energy within our energy field. People who think they should only project ‘good vibes’ consistently will end up suffering in the long run. Why?

Because it is unrealistic to think that only good vibes and happiness can be expressed or shown. It is also extremely unhealthy for anyone to suppress powerful, intense emotions, such as anger or sadness. Every emotion needs to be released and/or expressed, as its energy is powerful, and can be destructive when held within our energetic (auric) field.

It is healthier by far to express all our human emotions ~ that’s one reason why we chose to come to this plane of existence: so we could feel the myriad of emotions that cycle through the human experience here on the earth plane. We came to experience every emotion; from sadness and grief to joy and happiness. From anger and resentment, to contentment and satisfaction. It is not only healthy to learn to experiment with our emotional content, it is necessary to our development as human beings. It’s also paramount in developing healthy emotional intelligence.

It’s healthy to hold space for all emotions: Heavy, turbulent rage as well as sadness & grief. We would not be human without these and all emotions. Reiki can help us accept and hold space for all emotions in the human realm, while helping us develop emotional intelligence, as well.

If we work with the mental/emotional symbol on a regular basis when it comes to processing our emotional content, we become more astute in identifying and expressing the alleged and so-called “negative” and powerful emotions in the human experience. The mental/emotional symbol (Sei hei ki) opens neuro pathways in our brain to allow for the expression of powerful emotions. Meditation or ritual using SHK to release and express emotions is a spiritual practice that helps many practitioners develop and ‘exercise’ their emotional content.

REIKI & the Emotional Self

Additionally, as a Certified Reiki Master Teacher for over two decades, it is with confidence that I claim there is no ‘negative’ energy. There is simply Energy. Humans label energy, but in reality Energy is simply Energy. It is neither negative nor positive. It may feel misaligned or heavy; or light or airy. It can also be dark or chaotic. Labeling energy with definitive terms such as ‘negative’ or ‘positive’ anchors our brain in the binary system: The black and white mode of thinking; the two- dimensional mode.

Allowing our emotions to emerge in healthy ways, and holding space for every single emotion is not only healthy and preferable, it is so important.We need to be clear about our boundaries and our limits. Expression of all emotions is healthy. Remember, there are no negative emotions. There are only negative responses and reactions to powerful emotions. Reiki and the mental/emotional symbol (SHK) helps us regulate, heal and move beyond our minds.

Reiki Energy's Current Role for Humanity

Reiki Energy’s Current Role for Humanity

This article was first published here:

Reiki Energy plays an important and specific role in the ascension of Humanity, and we are most definitely living in auspicious times on Mother Earth. Many Souls ultimately chose to be here at this time as we prepare the colloquial soil for
 “planting and successful harvest” of Humanity’s awakening and ultimate ascension into a “new earth” or new way of BE-ing.

When I look at pieces of history on this planet, I can easily connect the dots as to what is happening currently in our atmosphere, on our planet, and within Humanity. The progression of our Human story is not difficult to perceive as we move through time and space, on this epic adventure. As each individual soul expands his or her consciousness, we are reminded that our Soul purpose is not only to learn that LOVE is a timeless salve for every situation, but that our connection to the Creator(s) and to one another is paramount on this spiritual Journey.

And for me, it is not difficult to clearly see that every human being, every Energy being is connected intrinsically. Energy is everything. Reiki simply IS. Reiki is the Soul of the Universe: the beginning, the end, the all – encompassing Energy that simply IS. I’ve used the term Soul and Energy interchangeably, even prior to my Reiki training in the 90’s. Many of us who are currently sharing this planet during this process of creating the ‘new earth’ chose to be here during this period, because it is our Soul mission, our Soul purpose to guide and assist other Souls through this process.

It is the spiritual work we chose to carry through that is necessary for the continuation of Humanity as a whole. We are simply conduits for the Universal Energy, and we are here to transmute the misaligned Energy into highly-attuned and aligned Energy ~ to bring love, balance and peace to all individuals, and to the planet as a whole. We need only focus on the process of transmuting the misaligned energies into aligned Energy to be effective in our mission.

Reiki Energy continues to guide and lead humanity into a more balanced, loving and peaceful way of BE-ing. Reiki was rediscovered early on in the 20th century, and it has continued to expand into the 21st Century. Reiki found its way back to Mother Earth via Dr. Mikao Usui and if we follow its progression through the decades, we clearly see how it has expanded and inflated to sublime levels. There have been so many other names assigned to this prodigious Energy since Reiki first made its way back to Mother Earth, it’s difficult to keep track of them all!

We need only continue to effectively Love, transmute and move forward with our individual and collective missions in using Reiki to heal ourselves and humanity. I’m grateful to be here at this wonderful time and to be part of the process that is collectively assisting Humanity into new ways of BE-ing.

I’m grateful to know and love and work with all my brothers and sisters in Light, Love & Peace!

Friday, August 19, 2022

Family Sin: How Reiki Helped Heal my Life

 My dearest Light Souls & friends:

It has been four years since I published my first book: "Family Sin: How Reiki Helped Heal my Life" 

I'm currently working on updates. If you would like to read the first edition, please feel free to order it from Amazon or on my website.

Hoping that you're living your BEST Life & continuing your individual Journey.





Visit Reiki Nurse (Kat) on the WEB at Ascending Light Reiki

Get Reiki Nurse Kat's Book! How Reiki Helped Heal My Life

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Earthing/Grounding Part II

@nomadic_reiki_nurse discusses earthing/grounding 



@nomadic_reiki_nurse talks a bit about Earthing/Grounding and its importance in this chaotic dimension at this specific time on Mother Earth (Gaia) 


Thursday, July 1, 2021

Reiki & My Nomadic Life

The Milky Way 

This article was first published here:

This article is borne of my own lack of desire to get or have ‘roots’ in this incarnation. For so long, I’ve been struggling with a nagging inner voice that pushes me to venture out and expand my horizons, travel to new places and connect with new people for whom Reiki Energy may be helpful.

I was rooted in a toxic relationship many years, while at the same time I was on a Spiritual path to awakening to who I truly am. Whilst allowing myself & my energy to be quashed by remaining in an extremely toxic & non-productive union with someone who did not care about me as a person, and least of all about my spiritual life; I remained trapped within my own self-created prison.

I used Reiki Energy and even upgraded my Reiki Master/Teacher certification during that period of time, and obtained a second certification as a Reiki Master Teacher in the Holy Fire® Reiki tradition. Holy Fire® Reiki changed the direction of my Life immensely, as did my own practice of meditation, affirmations, inner work and self-healing.

After many years of contemplation and standstill, my Spirit is rooted in expansiveness, Light & fearlessness. I’ve tethered my Self to Life in such a way as to incorporate Reiki Energy and the Unconditional Love of self and others to expand my Life and move forward on my personal and spiritual Reiki Nomadic Journey.

Reiki & My Nomadic Life

I currently travel all over the United States ~ (and soon will incorporate Canada & Mexico, as well) ~ carrying with me Love, Light & Reiki towards all sentient beings whom I come into contact with. My inner compass leads the way as I contract with various facilities to work for 6-13 week stints caring for patients in a conventional, yet unconventional way in hospitals across the United States.

During these short-term contracts, I meet people from all walks of Life and with various vibrational levels. Some of these people are bathed in the vibrations of sorrow, some in hope, some in defeat, some in strength. In whatever way these souls present themselves to me, I align with their spirit and meet them exactly where they are, always with openness and integrity.

When I meet them with Presence and non-judgement, and speak to them about the amazing effects (and affects) of Reiki Energy ~ the Universal Life Force ~ they either shy away from its healing benefits, or they accept it at face value, and begin to ask questions. Either way, each of these precious Souls has been exposed to Reiki, the Universal Energy, and from this point forward will always be aware that there is an Ever-Present Energy in the Universe that heals profoundly and completely.

Naturally, one does not need to be a nomad to share the richness and beauty of Reiki Energy. This is my personal calling and I’m following my own path. I simply wanted to share it with other practitioners who may have a similar desire to travel simply and help others open to their own highest potential.

Reiki Blessings to All!

Nomadic Reiki Nurse 

Reiki's Wellness